Cellulite is a disease of the subcutaneous tissue that affects mainly women, although some men may also suffer.

It is a problem that affects 9 out of 10 women and can reach seriously affect self-esteem and confidence of the people who have it.

It is essentially an accumulation of fatty nodules in the fibrous tissue under the skin. As a direct consequence of these deposits, the skin usually has irregularities in the form of small bumps and dimples that give a similar appearance to an orange peel.

This disorder is not always associated with excess weight, it can also occur in thin people. Cellulite, though does not jeopardize the patient’s health, is considered a cosmetic problem, modifying outlines, it causes discomfort and can affect self-esteem of people who suffer from this condition.

The skin is the organ that covers our entire body in order to smooth and protect it from external aggressions. This organ is essential for life and is formed of three layers:

  • Epidermis: is the outer layer: its mission is to replace cells and produce melanin, which gives color to our skin.
  •  Dermis: is the middle layer contains blood vessels of nerve endings and sweat glands.
  • Hypodermis: it is the one that contains mostly cells that store fat and are called adipocytes. Adipocytes accumulate fatty substances in order to regulate body temperature and cushion possible external impacts. When the storage of fats is not balanced with the consumption of these, there is an increase in body size. So adipocytes or fat cells increase in size and push the skin creating small lumps or bumps, they manifested outside with the name of cellulite or orange peel.

How is cellulite formed?

Cellulite is formed by different factors or a combination thereof: circulation deficiencies, hormonal activation, genetics and lack of physical activity.

The practice of exercise activates blood circulation and metabolism of fat cells.

There are different types of cellulite:

  • General cellulite: this kind of cellulite occurs very frequently in obese women with disordered eating habits. It starts at the end of childhood and enter the stage of puberty and it is becoming more damaging over the years, causing obvious and important aesthetic changes in the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs and legs.
  • Located cellulite: the main feature of this cellulite is that it presents severe pain. On the abdomen, buttocks, lower back, inner arms, ankles and skin accumulated below the armpits. It usually occurs in young people 16 to 20 years, but it can occur up to 35 years.
  •  Soft cellulite: this is the kind where the skin is loose, soft, flabby and gelatinous and sinks under the slightest pressure in the area. Not only it is observed with the naked eye the appearance of orange peel, but also causes a permanent fatigue and weakness, which can lead to other disorders such as insomnia, nervousness, dizziness, varicose veins, white edemas and retention liquid. The soft cellulite occurs in sedentary people who do not usually perform physical activity or who were active in the past and they are no longer.
  •  Hard Cellulite: is where the skin is consistent and hardened. It is observed in young women and athletes, because their tissues are firm and well toned by exercise. It is evidenced by the pinch test, with the appearance of orange peel and is caused by a poor diet with few nutrients and lack of skin oxygenation. Even though be painless, shows dimples in the skin, which coincide with the appearance of stretch marks caused by rapid stretching of the skin. It appears especially in the thighs during adolescence.

The good news is that all types of cellulite are treatable!

It is very important to treat it right from the start. If we use some inappropriate therapeutic procedure it will become increasingly difficult to solve the problem.

Cellulite is a progressive disorder, unable to heal spontaneously, so we cannot wait for the miraculous disappearance, and we must take appropriate measures to eliminate, reduce or at least control it.

Cellulite and Varicose Veins

If cellulite and varicose veins appear together, it is a venous deficiency, so cellulite can complicate varicose disorder and vice versa.

When have varicose veins, the return circulation is slow and the waste products accumulate more rapidly, so that the microcirculation is difficult in cells and tissues, aggravating cellulite.

In order to have legs in good condition, you have to get an excellent circulation.

Inadequate nutrition, excessive calorie diet and low nutrient food, resulting in weight gain and fat cells, further worsening the cellulite process.

Also too much sodium in the diet produces fluid retention, which promotes the appearance of cellulite.

How to get rid of cellulite

As mentioned, the most important causes of the appearance of cellulite are physical inactivity and poor nutrition and this has been shown in numerous studies.

Following these steps can prevent, reduce and even eliminate cellulite:


  • Eliminate salt intake as much as possible, and if choose to consume sea salt, must be in moderation. The salt helps retain liquids, and is one of the main causes of cellulite.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Chewing and eating food slowly, helps to eat less, prevents the food ferments in the stomach, and produce fewer toxins that accumulate in the form of cellulite.
  • Consume antioxidants: carrots, tomatoes, grapes, hazelnuts, walnuts, plums, pomegranates and grapefruit.
  • Take green tea daily, as well as being an antioxidant, it helps hydrate the body.
  • Consume fatty acids Omega 3 such as almonds, walnuts, salmon, anchovies, sardines and vegetable oils, because they have inflammation reducers effects.
  • Eat foods high in protein to avoid the lack of collagen in the body, such as lean meats, yogurt, avocado, asparagus, cheese, beans and spinach. 
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol, coffee, processed or refined foods, fast foods, and foods with lots of sugar not to saturate the body with toxins. 


  • Aerobic exercise is the best to help eliminate cellulite.

Should exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes, either running, walking, jogging, elliptical or bike.

Combined with the following exercises to help eliminate cellulitis of the leg and buttocks:

  • Open squats (4 sets of 20 repetitions)
  • Barbell lunges (3 sets of 12 repetitions)
  • Leg abduction (lying on your side on a mat, 4 sets of 25 repetitions lifting leg)
  • Elevations (in front of a bank or a drawer, up and down 15 times with each leg for 3 sets).
  • Complete crunches (4 sets of 10 repetitions) and isometric (lying face down, only support elbows / arms and toes, holding the body upright 20 seconds. Repeat 3 times).

Stress, accumulated tensions difficult blood circulation. High heels worsen the return circulation and can cause varicose veins.

Hormonal factors: high levels of estrogen can cause fluid retention. Puberty, pregnancy, menopause, premenstrual syndrome, use of birth control pills, are all situations where hormones suffer disorder.

Professional Cellulite Treatments

This type of treatments have a faster than just feeding and exercise effect, but the disadvantage is that it can be expensive and temporary.

  • Mesotherapy.
  • Homeopathic infiltrations.
  • Exudation with algae.
  • Cavitation

This type of treatment should be done only by professionals and following the recommendation of which is most appropriate for each person, depending on their health and type of cellulitis.

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