Do you know your personality type?

The personality is formed by a group of characteristics that each person has and that persists all along life. These characteristics are what are known as personality traits such as aggressiveness, submission, sociability, sensitivity, extroversion or introversion, and other aspects that people use to describe themselves, their desires, motivations, emotions, feelings and mechanisms to face

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What are superfoods?

A new nutrition term is fashionable, and refers to those foods whose nutritional potential makes them highly valued, from the point of view of health, because of its high concentration of antioxidants, healthy fats, phytonutrients and vitamins. Some are well known, such as extra virgin olive oil or legumes, and others, like quinoa, which for

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Which are the human needs, according to Maslow’s pyramid?

Maslow’s Pyramid is a psychological theory of human needs is… Abraham Maslow was one of the most influential American psychologists exercised in the twentieth century. He is known for being one of the main representatives of the movement of humanistic psychology, considered by many as the founder of this current. Humanistic psychology perceives the human

Which are the human needs, according to Maslow’s pyramid? Read More »

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